Wednesday, August 24, 2011


AHHH!!! Can you believe this is our last blog? Tomorrow is our last day. Think back 24 days ago, it was our first class, did you imagine bridge would be like this. Do you think this has really helped you as a student and are you ready for the fall semester? What were your favorite memories about the last few weeks? Overall how was your experience and can you believe we made it!


Monday, August 22, 2011


Benson, one of the boys from They Poured Fire On Us From The Sky talks about a pair of red shorts his father got him and how much he loves and cherishes them. Is there a specific article of clothing or object that you absolutely adore maybe because it was given to you by a significant someone or simply because it's your favorite? Explain what that article is and the meaning behind it.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


In the book, They Poured Fire on Us From the Sky, the teachers said, "You can get lost in the drinking and you can get lost flirting with girls. All of you are young men, so we are not saying don't have a relationship. Have a relationship in a good, appropriate way. The most important thing is that you keep up your goals in school" (Pg. 292)

Personally, I was raised to not have a boyfriend until I finished school. The reason being was because my grandma always thought that boyfriends cause drama, and that it would be a huge distraction for school and my goals.
So, let's say you and your bf/gf go to the same school. Or maybe just a cute fella in your class that you have the biggest crush on. Do you personally think that by being in the same place as them can keep you from focusing in your academics or reaching your goals at school? Do you think of them as huge distraction? Why or why not.



Living and being from the south, everytime me or my siblings or any other person(child) says a bad word or mouth off to an adult n o matter whom it was, we we're always made to wash our mouth out with ACTUAL me being myself and YOU ALL KNOW I HAVE A BIG MOUTH, i was the one who always had to wash it out with soap growing up, like literally my mom would stand in the bathroom with me and watch me wash out my mouth with soap....NOW.... doing that for years i have grown to actually LIIKE the taste of soap. theres nothihng like the smell of irish springs bar of soap or licking a bar of <<ZEST>>..mmm mm good! I think im obsessed with soap actually, but none of my family would ever know this. when Im home i wash my hands just to lick the soap. hahaha there done suckkkaaaazzzzmg where are we earting luch today! HAROLDS????