Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
What's Your Guilty Pleasure?

After reading Take the Cannoli by Sarah Vowell, Sarah mentions she has a deep guilty and shameful pleasure for The Godfather. What is something you take pleasure in, but would never admit to others you enjoy it? I would never say this out loud, but mines would be Glee. I talked about the show one time in high school and was ripped to pieces. So never again did I bring it up around others. But believe I tuned in every Tuesday night at 8pm!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Was it really worth it?$$$

When Beyonce comes to mind the first word I think of is empowerment. Since I can remember she has always promoted female empowerment. When Beyonce filmed her movie Cadillac Records, she visited the Phoenix House for drug and alcohol rehabilitation organization. She went to prepare for her role, and after speaking with the women and hearing their stories, she donated her whole salary to the organization. A year later after that Beyonce decided the women there needed something positive to do with their spare time. So she had them built a cosmetology building, where they could earn a cosmetology license. Fact is she didn’t have to do what she did for them, but she did and she wanted them to do something positive with their life. One thing I didn’t know about Beyonce is she attended Alief Elsik High School for the Performing and Visual Art. But due to her raising career she left to be home schooled.
Role Models
HELLO MY NAME IS MIKE DAVIS.....nice to meet you nicki.chacon
GROWING UP I always thought that i was one of the best singers in the world, I swear i thought that if me and Usher had a sing off, i would hands down win, I was so into my voice and music that it led me to feel the music more and start to become more of an artist, that's when i started to dance, My sisters danced in dance companies when they we're young but me, i wanted to grow into my talents, i didn't want people to tell me how to do the things i wanted to do, i wanted everything MY WAY...MIKES WAY YA DIGGG!! So I basically trained myself to be the person i am today, but what got into performing in when i was in Middle school (8th grade) me and my 4 other buddies we're like the guys who sand and danced so we all got together and decided to be THE JACKSON 5 for a week that led up to the schools talent show which is the most popular thing that took place at my school we did a medley of Jackson 5 songs and we WON 1st place (of course) ha, but from that point on i started to be in more talent shows and just performing to get more comfortable onstage and infront of people, Just the feeling of people looking at me and knowing that i have a gift is awesome! i love my passion! i cant do anything, like PICTURE THIS Mike Davis asking you "Hi may I assist you today with your bank transactions" ....uhhhhh NOOOO what the H. E >double hockey sticks.NO IM A DAMN ENTERTAINERRRRRRRRR
I basically wrote my every day life without caring if I put too much info or not on it. I posted every now and then, and sometimes i would post the link on MySpace (back when it was cool) so that people could read what i would write. Getting feedback from my friends whether it was good or bad, gave me the motivation and the passion to continue to express myself through writing. My writing got deeper and deeper as i continued to post.
Then, i started to have problems in my life. Unfortunately, instead of taking it out on the keyboard and writing about how i felt, i completely stopped writing. I didn't care for it and i just simply did not want to do it anymore. My thoughts were wandering off and then my mind went fully blank. I simply did not know how to express myself at all anymore.
I am a very abstruse person. If i didn't have writing, who else could understand me? I sure didn't.
Then, my last year in high school, one friend asked, "Do you still blog?" I answered, "Nope. Not anymore..." They replied, "Why? You were so good at it!"
When i was told that, something had just clicked.
I realized that I had stopped writing because i started to have problems in life. Pfft, PATHETIC!
Truth is, EVERYONE has problems, and just because we have problems, doesn't mean that we have to give up on what we truly love.
So, as time went on, I decided i wanted to continue and finish what i had once started and take it to the next level. I want to improve in my writing; I want to make it 100 times better. I want people to love what i write. To read what i have to say.
Coming to Columbia to major in Journalism is a big step for me. I feel like this school will prepare me for whatever i would like to accomplish in life.
So, am i ready to take this big step to further what i love to do? Absolutely!
Dominick Cavaiani
The only person i had to influence me to get a major in video games was myself. After i realized that i really enjoyed playing video games i came to a conclusion and said: "why shouldn't i create my own video games which everyone in the world would like even myself!"Then I realized over time that video games would begin to get dull so since its a hobby that i like i could destroy my own hypothesis and come to a conclusion that we would have video games for another one hundred years.
IDance!- Britney aka Brit-Brat

I have been dancing ever since i could point my toes! I never took dance classes but i have always been in different dance groups. From church to the streets dancing hasn't ever left my body. One day when i was a child i went to church and there were a group of girls on stage dancing. I was so excited it gave my chills. Ever since that day i have been apart of Extensions of Christ dance ministry.Ive always did plays at mine and other peoples church that consist of me dancing. One day this lady name Mrs. Cynthia told me when i go away to school i should consider going to Columbia because my dance skills are very anointed. She also told me that there dance center is the best and its getting better and better each year. She graduated from Columbia a while ago and is no longer living, but everyday i come to bridge i think about what she told me and the reason why I'm here and why i have to make it. when i was 5th grade i tried out for all the dance groups and the private school i was in. I got into ever group that i tried out for. All throughout 6th-8th grade i was in every theater dance and street dance groups possible. I danced in different parades like the Bud Billikon for an example. When i entered high school i was the captain over the majorette dance team and the leader over several dance groups. I also did parades with the band in high school. Dancing has always been apart of my that's one of the reasons why i wouldn't mind making it my career. why not get paid for doing something you love and have a great passion for? I wont leave it if i could!
Stacia Dockins
My Way
Throughout my school years, I wanted to get the next new game that catches my interest. Sure, I wanted to do other things but gaming was my number 1 thing. On my junior year in highschool, I knew that I wanted to be a game designer. I wanted to stick with something I love and knew my whole life. Nothing else has crossed my mind at that point. Besides writing though, since I am writing a story of my own that I'll turn into a video game later.I used to wanted to be a police officer or a firefighter when I was a kid. But video games came out of my mind more than anything else.
I was originally going to Flashpoint but I didn't because of money issues and my brother didn't really like their design and how they do things so he recommended going to Columbia and so did, my uncle and my friend, that still goes here.I am taking a leap of faith to see where my desire would lead me. All I have to do is keep my hopes on my dreams and make the best out of it
Why why why.
That one project in 4th grade..
I love working with people and I'm told very often that I'm good with people. I want to work with people or companies and make them more appealing. Celebrities and high profile people lately have been acting very careless with their lives. Many getting arrested or involved in a scandal. I would try to make their image better. Everyone goes through rough patches in there life and I'm here to help. I mainly want to work with sports teams and also do their events. I love planning parties, I love how everyone gets together and has a good time. I want to be the reason everyone is having a good time by throwing an amazing party. My aunt introduced me party planning/ pr. She has been in the business for over 20 years and is a very successful woman. She worked at Rock Bottom as the top event coordinator and would throw parties for all the football teams that would come into Chicago to play the bears. I went to work with her when I was 7 years old and instantly fell in love. I loved how she had a vision and I loved seeing how it came to life and how everyone was enjoying themselves. She has worked for Harry Carry's, Martini Park, Donald Trump even asked contacted her for a position when he was building trump towers. (she was pregnant so she had to decline) I love planning events and getting everything all organized and seeing an idea come to life. I have friends who promote clubs downtown and throw events, they set everything up and get to enjoy their work and have fun, on top of that they get paid. I think its so cool how I get to work with so many people and bring them together for a fun occasion.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Being Unique
Monday, August 8, 2011
for example, waking up early, staying in on weekdays/ weekends and giving up a party to study for a test.
Group Walgreen's
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Dominick Cavaiani
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
High Schools to go CLEAR?
We have all heard the stories, gave our opinions but what can be done? Violence and suicides in high schools have increased much since 2008. More and more school districts are requiring their students to carry see-through backpacks or clear backpacks to decrease Violence and suicides, but mainly just to be aware and cautious.
Do you Think the Violence and such can be decreased by requiring students to carry clear backpacks or do you think its invading a students privacy? Do you think high schools should take on this also? why or why not?
*Mike Davis*

I am someone who enjoys going out and having a chill hang out over sitting at home playing video games. If I had to choose a video game I would choose guitar hero. i love music and playing the guitar, you kno with me and my friends I am one to bring my Ciera everywhere. p.s. Ciera is the name of my acoustic guitar. but getting back to my story, i bring my Ciera everywhere and me and my friends have mini jam sessions you. we all just sing and have a good time. I can not sing to save my life and even though my family makes fun of me all the time, my friends dont care.
I am a very outgoing person, put me in a room with random strangers, give me five minutes and we all friends. A lot of that comes from my dad. wherever we go with the family, my dad is able to just crack a joke and start conversation with anyone, he is not afraid to do anything. I am not afraid to do anything. One time me and a group of friends went to the Art Institute of Chicago and i randomly just asked a security guard if i could I dont know, like if i could touch or sit on a sculpture! after that we stood there for ten minutes just joking about punishments. I feel like life shouldnt be all about being embarrased and being quiet. Before i went to high school i was that quiet kid that did not do much. i went to high school, joined the band and it really helped me become the person i am today.
Mike Davis
Brandon C.
Stacia Dockins

I only been modeling for two months its something that I always wanted to do. Im starting to see that its not that easy to get into the business. Just recently a guy inboxed me on facebook telling me that he wanted to take pictures for my profolio. We scheduled a day for me to come out to Chicago to do it. I kind of had a feeling that something was wrong. He was very excited about me coming . The week of the appointment he kept texting me to make sure I was coming. So when the day came I packed up my clothes that I wanted to wear and asked my brother and miother to come along. When we got off the train I called him to get the adress. He offered to pick me up I then asked did he have room in his car because I had my brother with me. He hurried me off the phone and when I tried to call back he didnt pick up. The phone kept going to voicemail no matter how many times I called. Now I know to always bring someone with me to a photoshoot and becoming a model won't be easy.
I am raised and born in Chicago, IL. My passion is video games, paintball, and drawing. I'm really really not a morning person and a very care-free person. I always do everything in the afternoon or at night. Sometimes I play do nothing but play games and use facebook. Most times, I hang with my friends and have fun at their house. I'm the "do without second thought" kind of person. I can get myself hurt on some situations but I always laugh about it later. I always use sense of humor to get myself through the day. I used to be what people would call a "playa" since I flirt with different women outside. Now and days, I search for the perfect one that I know that I will spend the rest of my life with.
I draw to keep myself awake or drink a lot of pepsi, sprite, coca-cola, etc. I do dangerous things to be a rebel and to be funny. The expression of "It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt" doesn't exist to me. To me, it's all laughs unless I really do get a broken bone or really get a serious injury. Like, I was playing games with my friends, in a rainy day, and we were joking around until I slipped and sprang my arm. Sadly, it was my writing and my drawing arm too. It only took two days to heal so it wasn't that bad of a injury.
I always start my fights with my brother, just to annoy him. I act differently outside of my family. Outside, I'm a fun, crazy dude that'll do anything to make people laugh. Inside my family, is me being a good guy that plays his video games and share some information with them. I follow my Grandpa's advice, "Never back down and be a man of your choice and no one else."

Brit Brat
Growning as a young girl i wanted to do it all. I wanted to dance, and build. No one could ever tell me i couldnt because i always had self movtiviation. I remember one point of time i wanted to build a plane and go to space. My parents told me that i could be whatever do what every i put my heart to and be anything postive that i want to be, but as i grow my mind changed. Now im into more mature things like going to school and dance. I really love to dance no matter what time of day i will hit the floor! My mom supported my dancing. She would find diierent plays and dance groups for me to be apart of and would be like the teams mom. I get all of my postive thoughts, movtiation and out going character from my mom. And out going, out spoking part from my dad. I truly appreciate them beign my back bone, supporters, and my #1 fans. Hopefully when i get my BFA i will be able to build my dance studio instead of a plane.
Monday, August 1, 2011

Well, I grew up in five different homes and two different states. When i was about three years old, my dad left my mom and at that point my mother had to figure out our lives and what to do with them. Being raised by a single mother has shaped who I am as a person in a way. Yes, I was born here, then moved to Texas. While I was in Texas I felt so lost, because I did not have any family and it was hard for me being the "new girl." The whole environment was so different compared to Chicago's. My very first day of school everyone looked at me as if they had never seen a girl. They seemed to be so shocked that I was from the "windy city" coming to a very hot weather state. The same routines every day, track running, square dancing in gym class, but as the time passed by I had to let my mom know that Texas wasn't for me. I graduated from fifth grade and returned to Chicago as soon as possible.
That might be because I have never really been anywhere else other then Ohio. I guess you can say theirs not much I have experience yet. Originally I planned to attend college back home. But my mother told me I should have a real college experience. My mother believes I should start putting myself in situations I normally wouldn’t. She thinks it will help me grow, mature, and learn to adapt.
I guess she’s right because I like to do things on the safe side of things. So I decided to take her advice and I applied to Columbia. I wasn’t at first mainly because I don’t know anyone outside of Ohio. So being on my own feels unreal to me because, I’ve always depended on my mother to help get things done for me. So now I’m hear and I realized things aren’t bad like I thought they would be.
So I really plan on working hard these next four weeks. I feel like Columbia would be a great fit for me. Mainly because I have always wanted to attend an art school, since I was in elementary. Music was constantly a top priority in life since I was young. So finding a school that catered to that was important to me.
But sadly, this kid right here was not born with an ounce of a musically bone in her body. Yes I know its unfortunate right? It’s a crime if you ask me, but I’m just overacting right now. Luckily I like to say have an “ear for music”, yes cliché but I feel its true. Which is why I applied to Columbia, they had a program that fitted me perfectly.
I don’t have a plan B in life, which is fine with me. It makes me want to work that much harder to avoid failure. Though I am fully aware that success doesn’t happen when you want it to. So I’m excited for this coming fall, I can finally work towards having a career and establishing myself.
At the end of this month, I will have been in Chicago for one year.
I flew here late last summer with just two suitcases jammed with clothes, a few pairs of shoes, and a couple books. I had never been to Chicago, but had struggled all season to save up enough cash for a plane ticket and a deposit on an apartment, and as the tires touched down on O'Hare's tarmac, I tallied the trade-off. Things left behind: friends, family, the beach, a few crates of books, a dismal career as a gigging musician. Things awaiting me on the other side of a three-hour flight: a job tutoring, teaching, three years of graduate school, a manuscript.
But there was more to the trade than just things. Leaving North Carolina and moving to Chicago felt like a start and a finish, like saying goodbye and hello at the same time. But that's just the nature of moving, and the nature of school. School is strange like that: on one hand, you feel like you're putting the final touches on your education, wrapping up what began when you were only five or six, and on the other hand, you feel like you're only at the beginning of something else – a career, a journey, a life.
The college is liminal space, really – an in-between, threshold kind of place that thrives on mixing and remixing itself: a mix of that crazy thing we call “real life” and that crazier thing we call “the academy”; a mix of students and professionals and professional students; a mix of urbanite and suburbanite, rural and international; a mix of past and future.
And if any of this sounds overly romanticized: it is. There is absolutely something romantic about the idea of self-betterment and education that we associate with greatness and drive and all those other college brochure words. We should feel that way about it, shouldn't we?
The simple answer: I'd like to think so, or at least I hope so. After all, I'm here in Chicago, at Columbia (as a student and a teacher) for a similar reason to anyone else: I wasn't done learning. I like to think that's a good enough reason to jump time zones, and I'm sure I'll be wherever I am in five or ten years because, even by then, I still won't be finished, and will have swapped Chicago out for some other set of things to gain. And that's perfectly OK with me.