After reading Take the Cannoli by Sarah Vowell, Sarah mentions she has a deep guilty and shameful pleasure for The Godfather. What is something you take pleasure in, but would never admit to others you enjoy it? I would never say this out loud, but mines would be Glee. I talked about the show one time in high school and was ripped to pieces. So never again did I bring it up around others. But believe I tuned in every Tuesday night at 8pm!
Its funny how you ask this question! One that that i take pleasure in and hate to admit to others is the video game Call of Duty! I always bash and ramble about how horrible the game is to people yet i always end up playing it for hours! The game is full of campers and try hard its impossible to enjoy it anymore because everyone acts like noobs, but its so addictive! Its actually one of my favorite games but i would never admit to anyone because i feel that its not that worthy...only battlefield company is.
ReplyDeleteI have a bunch of guilty pleasures!!! My favorite one is watching Bad Girls Club. My parents hate it! But i love it and hate to miss an episode... One day i was watching the show and my mom walked in and turned off the TV because she said that i was starting to act like the girls on the show. It mad me very upset but now i just watch it in my room so she wont have anything to say. I enjoy the show because their are some very smart intelligent woman on the show that gets a reality check. They get paid this money to see basically whose the baddest chick! They argue fight call each other out they're names and still end up being cool by the end of the show if they don't get kicked off by then.
ReplyDeleteThe year is 2009 and Fox is promoting the heck out of this new show glee. To be honest I didn't really care to watch it, but I'm bored so why not?
ReplyDeleteI'm officially hooked to this show. From the singing to the dancing. This show gives me LIFE!
But I couldn't say the same for my friends and family. They just don't understand the greatness of Rachel Berry and Brittany S. Pierce. I need more open minded friends to enjoy this show.
Stealing is my guilty pleasure unfortunately. For a while I was seriously addicted. I would go and take what a wanted and leave go to another store or something and do the same thing. I have now stopped my ways because i realize that A. I could get in heaps of trouble B. its just dumb and I'd rather save my money and know I earned what I bought.
ReplyDeleteI've been sitting here pondering exactly what I enjoy secretly. But as sad as it sounds, I really don't have anything along those lines. I mean, I really enjoy eating chocolate/pastries. I usually find myself having to sneak some goodies in because my roommates don't like dealing with my sweets craze. Anyway...in other words. I need to live more.
ReplyDelete@Amanda LMAFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....that is all.
ReplyDelete@jodeci GIRL I LOVE GLEE!!!! i felt the same way and was like this show looks so dumb I started watching the 2nd season and have watched every single episode
ReplyDeletethis is very hard for me because i am very open about everything i do, i really do not hide anything. if i had to say something, i would say that i blow off my homework to the last last second. i wish i had not done this because then i would have done a whole lot better in school. i would come home and go right to playing guitar with the T.V. or music on. i still do this to this day but i am a lot better about it. like i do my homework while listening to music. but i regret pushing everything to the last second, but at the same time i kinda dont because now i am a better musician from practicing everyday, but guitar is not everything, i should have put school first.
ReplyDelete@Jodeci I never watched the show Glee and from the way that you express it you make it seem really enjoyable! I dont watch TV to much anymore but if i watch the show i hope to enjoy it as much as you are able. Even though people dont like the show though for some reason, i wonder why about that ill see myself?
ReplyDeleteLike Jodeci, Glee is my personal guilty pleasure too.
ReplyDeleteTrust me, EVERYONE knows that!!!
When I was in high school, I would sneak into the computer labs during lunch time and watch episodes over and over again online. Sure, people always made fun of the fact that i enjoy watching people sing, but to me is much more to that.
Aside from the singing, the cute boys, or the drama, Glee (all of the characters) actually taught me a lot about life in general. Sometimes it's hard to fit in at school, but it taught me that i shouldn't be ashamed of who I am, because there are people out there who will accept me the way that i am no matter what.
I recently watched the Glee 3D movie last week, and you better believe that i was up from my seat singing and dancing along to the songs, and felt absolutely NO shame!
@Britney who on that show was smart and intelligent? I don't recall any? lol
ReplyDeletethat is a good, i feel like so many people though go through the "FIVE FINGER DISCOUNT" phase. like me. but ya that is a good guilty pleassure
@Amanda i agree its crazy how when you doing something you know isn't right or good you start to stop and realize man this is so dumb!!! when i was younger i would try on jewelry and forget it was on and walk out of the store. I got so scared i told my mom that i forgot to take it off and she was like well just take it back. I was so embarrassed that i didn't even want to go back in the store even though i knew no one knew but my mom and i. but my mom always knew i was doing right by telling her so she would take it back for me! :) love!!!
ReplyDelete@Jodeci- You know, for the longest time I was really anti glee. Never even gave it a chance and already I had this terrible notion about the show. Then this one day, I'm sitting at a friends house and Glee comes on. (they're all about that) So there I am, sitting with a disgruntled look on my face. But after sometime, I got over it and realized it's not so bad and actually was enjoying it a bit.
ReplyDelete@ Amanda: You and I both girl!
ReplyDeleteIt's kind of sad in a way if you think about it :(
BUT there are sometimes where we just can't help ourselves when we see something cute!
I personally take the small stuff that i can easily sneak in my purse, such as jewelry. So, i know exactly how that feels.
@Miguel I'm telling get your life and buy the dvd's you will LOVE them!
ReplyDeleteMy guilty pleasure? Hmmmmm I would say when I plan my revenge toward my dad and my guy cousins. They like to annoy people especially me because i get frustrated and annoyed real easily. So they'll poke my arm, hit my forehead, push me, punch me in the face (I am serious) and just push me around. So what i like to do as revenge is get them ten times worse, like put oil on the floor and tell them to come to the kitchen, or slap them in the face or arm, give them a wedgie,throw something heavy at them and just horrible things. I somewhat feel bad for them because they can brake a leg or something but its funny and it is revenge.I laugh after because i know it hurts them and they cant do anything worse to me because I am a girl :]
ReplyDelete@britney i love bad girls club tooo! i even have my mom watching it!haha =]
ReplyDelete@ Nicki: I am the same way towards my little brother. I like to annoy the crap out of him only because he does the same. My brother is 5 years old, so you can understand that he's getting to the age where kids get ANNOYING!