Monday, August 1, 2011


Being in Chicago feels much different then Ohio. Not really use to this city life compared to Ohio, which our downtown consist of 7 buildings. But I’m actually glad I decided to come out here to Chicago. For some reason I have always been very hesitate towards change. It’s that not knowing what’s going to happen to me which gets me nerves.

That might be because I have never really been anywhere else other then Ohio. I guess you can say theirs not much I have experience yet. Originally I planned to attend college back home. But my mother told me I should have a real college experience. My mother believes I should start putting myself in situations I normally wouldn’t. She thinks it will help me grow, mature, and learn to adapt.

I guess she’s right because I like to do things on the safe side of things. So I decided to take her advice and I applied to Columbia. I wasn’t at first mainly because I don’t know anyone outside of Ohio. So being on my own feels unreal to me because, I’ve always depended on my mother to help get things done for me. So now I’m hear and I realized things aren’t bad like I thought they would be.

So I really plan on working hard these next four weeks. I feel like Columbia would be a great fit for me. Mainly because I have always wanted to attend an art school, since I was in elementary. Music was constantly a top priority in life since I was young. So finding a school that catered to that was important to me.

But sadly, this kid right here was not born with an ounce of a musically bone in her body. Yes I know its unfortunate right? It’s a crime if you ask me, but I’m just overacting right now. Luckily I like to say have an “ear for music”, yes cliché but I feel its true. Which is why I applied to Columbia, they had a program that fitted me perfectly.

I don’t have a plan B in life, which is fine with me. It makes me want to work that much harder to avoid failure. Though I am fully aware that success doesn’t happen when you want it to. So I’m excited for this coming fall, I can finally work towards having a career and establishing myself.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you enjoy being in a big city! I also came from a small town and it took me a bit to adjust to Chicago.
