Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Brandon C.

Hello everyone my names brandon as you can see in the title. Im currently a service clerk for company called Walgreens. So if you was ever curious as to why i wear a blue polo most of the days and slacks thats why! I even met Dr.Martin luther king jrs son on the job hes a pretty big guy...but back to the subject. So far ive been working there for 8 months getting 30 hours and more a week! it can become very tireing especially now that ima going to attend college. But to be honest i enjoy it i met alot of co-workers who are now some of my greatest friends; i feel that everyone there is my family becuase we treat eachother with some of greatest respect, and always share good stories. But i would rather enjoy being home playing my video games,drums and listening to heavy metal music. But this job so far has been teaching me how to extremly multitask working a job,having hobbies,friends/family AND attenting college at the same time are difficult to manage.

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