Monday, August 8, 2011


Mark's mom and dad 5told him that he shouldn't do the things he was doing anymore. Mark loves the things he's been doing. He wanted to be a Zen Master. Should you let others tell you what you should be or tell them to "SCREW YOU I'M BEING WHAT I WANT TO BE!"?


  1. I believe if you want to do anything or be anything positive you should go for it.Shouldn't no one tell you what you should do with your life. Unless its your parent and then if its them you should be able to sit down with them and talk about your thoughts of why you wanted to do it. maybe negotiate with them! <3 <3 <3

  2. My aunt always tells me that i should go to school to be a nurse or like a therapist or something. Her incentive is because those jobs are typically high earning jobs. I on the other hand want to do pr for sports, like work for the bears or something. I also want to plan and throw huge events. I love to party and i love planning one. I appreciate that their looking out for my future and want the best for me, but when it comes down to it its not their life its mine. I'm going to be what i want to be.

  3. Honestly just like the recent essay about action someone always has some sort of disagreement about something! I believe his parents took the wrong approach towards their disagreement. You should never crush anyone's dreams to me that's just like killing a child because he/she hasn't even got full experience of life yet. So to Camrons topic i extremely disagree with someone telling you what to be when that's your dream! Barney told me so on televison.

  4. I can't really say anything because my parents encourage me to be in game design, and so did my friends. I would've said that I'm going to be what I want to be. I refuse to be a depressing lawyer or doctor or president that didn't do what I wanted to do. It's too much pressure for me to handle. I never liked being forced to do something that I don't want to do. It pisses me off for my friends/family to do such thing to me. I know that they rather see me happy and successful for things that I did and wanted to do.

  5. It really all depends on who is telling you what to do. I mean, if some stranger walked passed me and told me to do something I probably would just brush it off and not think about it. However, say it was my mother, or a teacher or simply a person I care about. I would take it under consideration and let it resonate for a bit before I made any sort of action.

  6. I don't think anyone should tell you what you should be in life. People have the right to be whoever they want and do whatever it takes to accomplish it.
    Although, sometimes when it comes to family members (mom or dad) telling you what to do or who to be, it is rather difficult to be something they don't want.
    I personally don't let others tell me what to do with my life, as long as I'm going somewhere. My mom always supported some of my decisions regarding school. I do the decisions in my life for myself, and i could care less who approves or who doesn't.

  7. Its hard for me to relate to this, because no one really has told me i cant do what i want to do unless it is so "out there" like wanting to live in a castle. haha, but in my family, I have a lot of family members that really take an interest in what I want to do. there are also a lot of musicians in my family that help me out, and have taught me what I know today. but I believe that you should take action to do what you really want to do, and what you love to do.

  8. If you feel a drive in your heart for something you love, you should listen to it because it might be the start of a great future. Listening to others may lead you into being miserable for the rest of your life and have a regret of 'what if...?'. My dad wanted me to go to college for a chemist degree because i aced my chemistry class in highschool every quarter. I enjoyed my chemistry class because it was a challenge and it was fun, but i did not feel the drive to go to a big university to study chemistry because I felt I'd be left later on if life with a "what if i tried to go to an art school for music buisness management and work hard and become something with it?" I am not a big fan of regret because I listen to others instead of that little voice that told me to listen to heart. I believe everyone should do what they want because in the end if you fail yourself, you have yourself to blame, but if you succeed after the blood, sweat, and tears you dont have to live with the 'what if...?'

  9. I think you should do what you feel is best for you. Fact is know one knows you better then yourself. So if someone told me not to do something I would still do it. Even if it's something bad it would be a learning experience for me do either do again or not. So if you feel comfortable with the path your taking go for it and not let others tell you different. It is your life you have to live not theirs.

  10. I think you should do what you want to do no matter what anyone says. Just as long as you have a back up plan. So if what you want to do doesn't work out you have something to fall back on. Sometimes negativity can motivate you to achieve your dream .

  11. There is a quote on a movie that I love
    -"'What' and ‘If’ two words as nonthreatening as words can be. But put them together side-by-side and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life: "What if?" "What if?" "What if?" ..."

    *I read Nickys comment and i remembered it.
    Just throwing it out there (:
